Dealing With The Minor Annoyances Of Shingle Installation

19 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

When you have a shingle roof put on your home, you're sure to be glad it's the roofers — not you — doing the work. Roof installation is hard. The roofers spend all day stripping shingles, swinging hammers, and staying safe on the roof as they do so. But as nice as it is not to be up on that roof yourself, there may be some minor things that annoy you about having a shingle roof installed. Read More …

Selecting A Shingle Color Is A Multistep Process

14 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

An overlooked, yet important, part of the roof installation process is selecting a shingle color. Yes, there is a huge cosmetic element to this choice, but the color selection is about more than just appearance. To ensure you make the ideal decision, learn more about what goes into the process of roof installation shingle color. Homeowners Association Before you get too far along in the process and fall in love with a specific color, save yourself a great deal of time and check in with the homeowner's association. Read More …

How To Prepare For A New Roof Installation

30 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

A roof in good condition can improve curb appeal and protect your house against weather elements, such as rain. However, roofs are prone to damage due to exposure to weather. If the roof becomes severely damaged, you may need a new roof. However, roof replacement projects can be demanding, and you need to prepare well. Here are some preparations to make before beginning your new roof installation project. Hiring a Reliable Roofing Contractor Read More …

Getting Your Roof Replaced? 4 Ways To Prepare Your Space

27 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you are getting your roof replaced, you are going to want to prepare your space to make the process of installing your new roof easier on your roofing contractors. You can take steps to protect your belongings and provide those working on your property with a safe work zone. Protect Items in Your Attic If you have an attic that you use as a storage space, you will want to protect the items in your attic. Read More …

Roof Repair 101: Understanding The Factors Affecting Cost

27 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

While most people fully expect a roof replacement to be a costly undertaking, many don't have any concept of the costs associated with repairs. Without any prior experience in roofing repairs, it makes sense that you wouldn't really understand the costs associated with the work. Before you call for a quote from your local roofing repair contractor, it's important to understand the fundamentals of a roof repair quote. Here's a look at some of the factors that will affect how much it costs to repair your roof. Read More …