How Do You Repair A Metal Roof That Has Been Damaged By Galvanic Corrosion?

20 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

While metal roofs are durable and long-lasting, they're vulnerable to a form of damage that doesn't affect other types of roofs. Galvanic corrosion causes metal to disintegrate, and it occurs when two different types of metal are both submerged in water. When galvanic corrosion happens to a metal roof, it means that rain falling on the metal roof created a puddle that was in contact with two different types of metal at the same time, such as copper flashing and a galvanized steel roof panel. Read More …

What To Expect When Hiring A Contractor For Roof Repair

14 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Your roof is an essential part of your home. It protects you from the elements, keeps your family safe, and adds value to your property. However, if you suspect there is damage on the roof, you may want to consider hiring a contractor to make roof repairs for you.  Reasons For Roof Repair There are many reasons why you might need roof repair. Maybe you are dealing with storm damage, or your roof is getting old and worn out. Read More …

4 Questions to Ask Your Roofer About Metal Roofing

7 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you're considering a metal roof for your home so you have improved protection against storms and other types of roof damage, talk to a roofer so you understand the important good and bad points of switching to a metal roof. A good point is that the roof lasts a long time because it's so durable, but a bad point is that metal is expensive when compared to asphalt shingles. Here are other things to discuss with a roofer. Read More …

3 Things To Know About Residential Spray Foam Roofing

3 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to residential roofing, there are many options to consider. However, residential spray foam roofing may be the right fit for your needs. If you are searching for roofing that is long-lasting, durable, and also energy-efficient, spray foam roofing systems are worth a closer look. While this system won't work for every home, it may be what you are looking for. Here's what to know about residential spray foam roofing. Read More …

Popular Choices In Flat Roofing

28 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Flat roofing is different from asphalt shingles and tiles that are used on sloped roofs. It's essential for flat roofing to be waterproof since rain may not roll off of it quickly. There aren't any open seams on flat roofing as there are with shingles and tiles because water could leak in the open areas. Here's a look at a few types of flat roofing you can choose from. Plastic And Rubber Membranes Read More …