Lillie Crawford

Has Your Residential Roof’s Performance Declined? Signs It’s Time To Have It Replaced

3 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Your home's roof should always perform to its fullest potential because it is a vital part of your house. When your roof is faulty, your valuable possessions and interiors will suffer weather damage. Moreover, if your residential roof is defective, energy efficiency in your home will decline. Fortunately, you will notice signs of failure when your roof's performance starts declining. If your roof's condition has deteriorated, simply getting it repaired may not solve your problem. Read More …

Planning Your Spanish Clay Tile Roofing Project To Give Your Home A Revival Look

1 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Spanish revival architecture is a type of home design that incorporates specific features that are more traditionally found on historic buildings. These designs are found in Spain, Western US, and former Spanish colonies. In modern architecture, the roof is going to be a clay tile roof, which requires some special considerations before the materials can be installed. The following Spanish clay tile roof installation information will help you complete your project: Read More …

Metal Roofing Myths Debunked

1 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Myths live on for generations and will continue to do so until they're debunked. You've likely heard a few myths about metal roofing, and you may not be sure whether they're true or not. Below are common metal roofing myths debunked.  Metal Roofs Are Noisy This is true to some extent. Metal roofs are noisy, but that's dependent on the type of installation. For example, if you install a metal roof on your house, you'll need to add an underlayment that will help reduce the noise. Read More …

4 Reasons You Need To Repair A Roof Leak Immediately

28 May 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you notice that your roof is leaking, even just a little bit, it is important to address this issue immediately. You don't want to wait to fix a leaking roof. Waiting to fix a leaking roof can result in serious damage to your home. Water damage can seriously impact your home in many different ways. #1: Wood Rot When your roof starts to leak, it can impact the wood in your home. Read More …

Top 3 Clever Ways You Can Save Money On Your Roof Replacement Project

27 May 2021
 Categories: , Blog

As a homeowner, you should always treat your roof as an investment. There's no doubt that materials don't come cheap, and this is certainly the case when it comes to roofing materials. But, when your roof needs to be replaced, you can't wait until you have extensive damage. Otherwise, your roofing concern may get worse, putting you in a tight financial position. But this doesn't have to be the case if you understand how to make significant savings on your roof replacement project. Read More …