Is Your Roof Leaking? Know Two Techniques To Temporarily Patch It

Is Your Roof Leaking? Know Two Techniques To Temporarily Patch It

1 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Do you have an asphalt shingle roof that is leaking and needs to be repaired, but it will be a while until a roofer can get out to your home? You'll need to temporarily patch the roof to prevent water from getting inside. Here are two ways that you can perform this emergency repair.

Underlayment Method

You can use waterproof underlayment material to cover the exact area you know is leaking. Spread out the underlayment material over the affected area so that it is completely covered, then trim off the excess underlayment material that you do not need. The underlayment material can then be nailed down to the surface to secure it in place. It will help to use button cap nails since they have a wide base that will provide some additional grip to the underlayment material.

You will use a tube of silicone to form a seal around the edge of the underlayment material. This will prevent water from getting underneath the patch, which will prevent wind from getting under the material and ripping it off. The button cap nails and silicone will not cause much damage to the roof. And since you are only patching a small area that is affected, those shingles will likely be replaced anyway. 

Tarp Method

The tarp method involves securing a tarp to your roof with 2x4s, and it is a better method for large damaged areas or when you do not know the exact source of the leak. You'll need enough 2x4s that essentially cover the perimeter of the tarp, as well as a tarp large enough to stretch from the peak of the roof to all the way down past the leak, with a bit hanging over the opposite side of the roof.

Start by putting the tarp in position so that it lays a foot or two down past the peak of the roof on the good side, and then travels down past the damaged section on the opposite side to cover the leak. You can then temporarily hold the tarp in place with button cap nails. 

You'll need two 2x4s that are the same length as the bottom edges of the tarp. Wrap the tarp's bottom edges over the 2x4s so that rainwater flows over the wood rather than getting trapped behind it. Secure the 2x4s in place to the roof with nails. Next, you'll need 2x4s that are cut in four sections to match the length of the tarp on each side of the roof. These side pieces of wood are secured on top of the tarp so that it is sandwiched between the wood and the roof. This creates an edge that will not allow the wind to get under the tarp and rip it off your roof. 

The water should hit the peak of the roof, flow down the tarp, and travel over the 2x4s and continue down to the gutters.

Contact a local roofer to learn more.